Job Placement

The school does not guarantee job placement; however, instructors become the student’s first job reference based on the skills and behavior demonstrated while enrolled in the CNA program. This information will only be released for the students whose fees are paid in full. Job leads, resumes, and interview tips will be available. Certified Nursing Assistant requires certification in the state of Georgia. Phlebotomy Technicians, Medical Assistants, EKG Technicians, and Patient Care Technicians do not require national certification for job placement. While certifications are recommended, they are optional.

Confidentiality Agreement/HIPAA

Good Nursing and Medical Training, along with other participating Clinical Facilities (Externship), adhere to the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA mandates that all employees, physicians, consultants, students, and vendors comply with practicum rules regarding patient confidentiality. By signing the Confidentiality Agreement, the student agrees not to disclose any portion of the patient’s records, except to a recipient designated by the patient or to a recipient authorized by the Practicum, who has a need to know in order to provide for the continuing care of the patient or to fulfill one’s employment or other service obligation to the facility. The term “patient” encompasses current patients, potential patients, or past patients’ information. The term “patient’s record” includes documented facts, electronic patient records, or word-of-mouth information.

The student comprehends that patient confidentiality is protected, and any violation of our policies and procedures, as it pertains to Good Nursing and Medical Training and the Practicum Clinical Facilities’ practices, can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Termination due to this breach of policy may lead to loss of enrollment in the program, participation in clinical facilities, and the ability to claim unemployment insurance through the State of Georgia.

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